NEWS: Loudstakk Unveils a Free MIDI Starter Pack
Freebie Loudstakk MIDI Pack
- Fast Grooves, Midtempo Grooves, Slow Grooves
- Death Metal, Doom, Black Metal*
- 26 Grooves with Fills
- Grooves Performed by Ron D. Rock
- Mapped for EzDrummer/Superior Drummer
- Please note: This product contains .mid files only, no samples or plugins are included
"The concept for the MIDI Groove Pack stemmed from my personal experiences and creative vision. I've always had a clear idea of how the drums should sound in my songs, which sometimes led to overwhelming drummers with a multitude of ideas. When I write songs, I prefer to maintain a focused workflow without constantly switching between the guitar and the drum kit. Having a deep understanding of how I want the drum parts to be, including specific elements like back beats, breakdowns, and blast beats, I decided to simplify my own process and create a comprehensive library of go-to grooves.
For songwriters seeking to streamline their process and place a greater emphasis on crafting the actual song or riffs, I highly recommend considering Loudstakk MIDI Grooves. By utilizing these resources, you can significantly reduce the time spent on programming and instead channel your energy into the creative aspects of your music.”
- Ron D. Rock (Loudstakk)
The Free MIDI Pack is now available for download at
https://loudstakk.com/pages/free. Free Pack features 3 Groove sections featuring Death Metal Hammer Blast, Black Metal Up Beat and Doom Metal Slow Groove.
"Loudstakk MIDI Grooves provide the right amount of dynamics to make them sound more natural. Most other packs I've tried leave very small amount of dynamics.While on the road - I like to load these MIDI Grooves into my session knowing they will satisfy my taste when composing"
-Vanik (Midnight)
“Truly inspiring drumbeats.
I actually started a new band as soon as I tried them out in my DAW”
-Mika Lagren (Grave)